jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012


In my visit to puerto vallarta, we travaled by bus for 15 hours all night. we made a stop take a breakfast at 9:00 am. we arrived to puerto vallarta at 12:00 pm and we met the hotel.

In the trip i learn about of the modern structures and technology, also learned use of the concret in the structures and i known people from other countries.

It was a magic experence, because met a new beautiful city, a new beach, different architecture, new things about of architecture in congress and greats moments with my friends.

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012


On my first day of class I did not go to school because the English teacher was not and I go to the party….

On my second day in the school was very buried because the teachers to presented and talk about the class and what would we do it.

On my third day of class was very interesting because we left the first homework important for the semester.

On my fourth day of class I went to the party with my friends at villas del Alamo but I went to school.

On my fifth day of class I had my first exposure in my class of instalaciones hidraulicas, and I was very well.

That was all my week.